Phoenix Crankshafts Ltd. have always specialised in low-volume, high-precision manufacture of crankshafts and con-rods, which allows us to offer our customers a bespoke service with advice on design, reverse engineering, 2D drawing or CAD design.
As well as the manufacture of crankshafts and con-rods, we are also able to offer in-house line boring for crankcases, including the manufacture and supply of new precision custom-made main bearing caps, bolts and studs.
Trusted worldwide, our products are at the heart of many of our customer’s restored classic and vintage vehicles, with sales of our crankshafts and con-rods in the UK, France, Germany, USA, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, to name but a few.

Our crankshafts are made from the highest grade British steel billets where possible (or forgings as per our very popular Austin Seven series) and are stress-relieved throughout the production process before gas nitriding and final grinding. Our con-rods are also made from the highest grade steel billets (or forgings where applicable) and are shot peened to improve durability.